I'm not what you'd call a chic type. I don't like to put on makeup. I don't think I've ever been at the cutting edge of a fashion trend. I wear hats far too often because fixing my hair just seems like a waste of time.
But, somehow, I do manage to look put together every now and then. And, when I do, I have to admit I feel pretty good about myself. But, the rest of the time, I find myself feeling guilty.
"I really should've taken the time to flat-iron my hair," I'll think.
"Look at Mia's mom," I'll muse. "I've never once seen her in a hat. She always looks immaculately groomed. What's wrong with me?"
Well, a couple things, it turns out.
One, spending time in the bathroom getting ready is downright dangerous these days. I have a very active 20-month-old boy (in addition to my 6- and 8-year-old daughters). While I have attempted to put on mascara or blow dry my hair, he has:
* Shattered a glass votive holder on my ceramic tile floor.
* Dipped his hands in the toilet.
* Spread cotton balls and Q-tips all over the bathroom.
* Either unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper or shredded it.
I'm sure I'm missing something here.
Ah, yes ... screamed for attention, re-arranged his sisters' bedrooms, and poked both of his fingers in the dog's eyes. I can't even make this stuff up.
So, half the time, it's not worth trying. Not to mention that he has a way of, um, putting his own mark on my "look." He's adept at ripping off necklaces and has broken several, and he almost always ensures I have a nice food smudge or two on my shoulder.
So, my son is my first excuse.
My second excuse is simple. It's just me. I'm not a girly girl. It's not who I am or where my strengths lie. I can make a mean apple pie, and I ran my first half-marathon this spring. Oh, and if there's something crafty you need done, give me a call. I love that kind of stuff.
Rather than beating myself up, or trying to be something I'm not, these days, I'm trying to be at peace with who God created me to be. In His infinite knowledge, He has made us all different. We all have our own God-given skills to share with this world.
Mine isn't telling you the best place to get the coolest new handbag... But I can tell you how to applique cute patches on your kids' jeans. It's super-easy. Oh, and I have a great chocolate mousse recipe. And, did I ever mention you can make this homemade hand lotion that really rocks?
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10, ESV
Oh, I love this! Sometime I feel the same way!